Present audiovisual content in a natural and creative way considering the language and culture of your audience.

In a world that is more globalized and digital, audiovisual translation is crucial for the expansion of your business.
In addition to giving access to new international markets, an effective communication with audiences in different languages and cultures, creates a positive impact in the success and reputation of your business.



Connect with audiences globally through our professional audiovisual translation services, preserving your original message and delivering content in a natural and creative way.

  • Transcription

    We create the transcription of your audiovisual content with a timed script, and
    manage the script in Word/Excel or in any industry standard format (srt, vtt, sbv, sub, ttml and dfxp).

  • Translation

    The translation of the script is made, while consulting the audiovisual content, to transfer faithfully the characteristics of the content, such as humor and coherence between text and image, always having the final audience as a central point.

  • Subtitling

    The translator adapts the script for readability to meet the subtitling standards, assuring the appropriate reading speed for the audience.
    Then, a dedicated audiovisual professional synchronizes and quality-checks the final subtitles.

  • Dubbing

    Translated content is recorded by voice artists in our professional recording studio.
    For voice-over and lip-sync, our professional in audiovisual content synchronizes the audios with the original material .

  • Audio recording

    We record in a professional environment, supported by software and a team of voice actors and audiovisual professionals, guaranteeing quality, professionalism and fidelity with the final product.